Knowing who you are in Christ is the most powerful and secure place to be, for Christ in you is the hope of glory. From that place of security, you are able and fully equipped to face what life comes with
The pressures faced by singles today are as intense as they are diverse, Single & Mighty (or S+M as they prefer to be called) is designed to build wholesome individuals and adequately equip them to face, and succeed in, our world of today.

Whether you attend this local assembly or not, we will encourage you to benefit from the spread of activities the S+M platform provides. We will also like to be able to reach you with relevant information and content if we have your contact details – please fill out this FORM so we can ensure you don’t miss out on any event.
Vessels in God’s Hands
Pioneering the matured single fellowship
Get Prepared for Marriage
Wholesome Marital and Family Living